TakeMe2 Camden Maine
Islesboro Maine

Islesboro Maine

Islesboro Maine Photos

slesboro is a small island as well as a well-known resort community that is located 3 miles off of Lincolnville Beach.

  • Islesboro01
    Photo by Laura Toran
  • Islesboro02
    Photo by Laura Toran
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    Photo by Laura Toran
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    Photo by Laura Toran
  • Islesboro05
    Photo by Laura Toran
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    Photo by Laura Toran
  • Islesboro07
    Photo by Laura Toran
  • Islesboro08
    Photo by Laura Toran.


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Islesboro Maine - a small and picturesque island three miles off of the coast of Lincolnville Beach

Islesboro MaineIslesboro is a small and quiet little island in Penobscot Bay. It has a population of about 650 people. The number increases substantially during the summer months as Islesboro is one of the popular tourist destinations in Midcoast Maine. The island sits about three miles off the Maine coastline and is easily reached by a 30 minute ferry ride from Linconville Beach. The island itself has not been commercialized like many of the towns along the Maine coast, especially the southern Maine coast. Islesboro is shockingly similar to the way it was during the either 1900's. In many ways, visiting Islesboro will return you to a much simpler way of life - a lifestyle aligned with the values and pace of an old traditional New England island community. Islesboro is regarded by the locals as a welcoming and very informal place to visit. While it continues to be the tranquil location that it always has been, there is never a shortage of things to do and see. The island community features unique art showings and musicals that are performed by many local groups during the summer months. Keeping with its low-key profile, there are very few shops and dining options available on the island. However, with so many great locations like Camden and Rockland nearby, there are always more options available.

If you love the outdoors, then the island of Islesboro is a good choice for individuals interested in nature walks, exploring the coastline, hiking, and bicycling. The island also has some of the best sailing conditions in the entire world. Others enjoy simply walking the coastline and exploring the natural surroundings around Ryder's Cove as well as venturing to see the geological formations and carvings at Turtlehead Point.

Islesboro MaineWarren Island State Park brings in a steady flow of people from around New England every year. Warren Island State Park, part of Islesboro, spans over 70 acres. It is located just off the shores of Islesboro, toward the southern side of the island. Many people simply use their own boat to travel there as it closely borders the coastline. It was the first state park in Maine to be designed specifically for boaters and has no public transportation that can reach the island. There are also no phones available on Warren island which promises a level of peace and quiet that is hard to replicate. There are ten unique campsites and two Adirondack shelters to make your stay at the park a little more comfortable if you plan on camping out there.

Islesboro, Maine is also renown as a semi-private resort community and plays host to some of the wealthiest individuals in the country. This is largely due to the island's natural beauty and surroundings as well as its small welcoming community. There is no better way to get away from the stress of daily modern life, then to escape awhile to this quaint and scenic island. Accordingly, the island is comprised of a few summer resort ares like Ryder's Cove, Hewes Point, and Dark Harbor. These areas are partial retreats for a number of wealthy and famous individuals who have built large private summer residences tucked away along the shoreline. Some of these notable individuals include Kirstie Alley, John Travolta, Kelly Preston, John P. Morgan, Chris O'Donnell, Parker Stevenson, and Michael Collins.


Photos by Laura Toran. We would like to thank Laura Toran for granting us permission to use her images of Islesboro. You can view more images of Islesboro and Maine by visitng Laura's Flickr page.


TakeMe2 Communications | 2 Main Street | Building 17 - Suite 301H | Biddeford, ME 04005 | 207-712-8595